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How a Heat Wave Inspired a Million Dollar Business
Before I started ModestPop back in 2012, I didn't particularly like what was in my closet. I was in a wardrobe funk so to speak. We had a very limited budget. My husband was a recent law school gra...
Love that 70's Vibe
If I had to align myself with one of the decades, I would call myself a 70's flower child. It’s not just because I loved watching reruns of the show The Brady Bunch when I was younger. (If you're t...
Modest Spring Dresses
When it comes to seasonal shopping, springtime is the most common time women are in search of new fresh clothing. They are ready to put their darker winter prints and solids aside in search of brig...
Modest Fall Dresses
Still looking for some cute new modest dresses for Fall? Are you ready to start wearing deeper jewel tones and save your light colored florals for Spring? Look no further, we just added a ton of ne...
2018 Fall Colors
Every year the Pantone committee, the world's color authority, determine which colors will be introduced each season as the Pantone colors. Fashion leaders pay attention and create fabrics in these...
Fall Colors!!!
Every year the Pantone Color Institute evaluates the colors used by designers at New York Fashion Week.  They then create a report and highlight the top 10 colors for the upcoming season.  The colo...
It's Time to Go Live
Have you ever wished that ModestPop had a physical brick and mortar store near your house where you could go see and touch the clothes in person? Well, we aren't able to do that yet but we are goi...
Let's Talk Fall Fashion
Fall has arrived and let's face it, these gorgeous fall colors are EVERYWHERE. So, let's talk about the must have colors for this fall season.First off, the beloved mustard. This is probably my fav...
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