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Which Cardi?
   We love this button cardi! Which color do you like best? The winner will go up for sale later this week. Add your comment below!
Vote for the Next Plus Size Style
   I know the brown cardi already got a ton of votes last time I asked, but since that color is sold out, I wanted to post it up here again. Pretend it's black, because that color is...
The Story Behind this Shirt
                  How many of you remember when I asked you vote on these? The silver ruffle shirt came out on ...
No More Cookie Cutter Modesty!
When I started, I was most excited about providing modest clothing that didn't have to be layered at a fair and excellent price. When I started sharing what I'd created with other peo...
The Winner's Circle - Vote for What Sells FIRST
So you voted for your favorite thing and these are the winners. Of these, which one do you want to see for sale first? (The gray rosette skirt is not available till January and the brown ru...
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